How to get $INJ Airdrop

How to get $INJ Airdrop
Injective, hailed as the 'Solana killer,' has experienced an astonishing surge of approximately 1500% this year, making it a standout token in the crypto space. INJ is a strong investment with impressive performance and unique features. The Injective ecosystem provides growth opportunities, with many projects still in early stages, signaling room for development.
If you want to learn more about INJ, we have written a blog here
With INJ growing quickly don’t miss out on early airdrops. The following blog shows you how to get INJ airdrops by completing “missions” that increase your chance to get airdrops in the INJ ecosystem.

Mainnet Activities

Mission 1 : Staking

There is a high chance that $INJ stakers will receive airdrops. Follow these steps:
  1. Install a wallet that supports Injective:
  1. Get INJ
      • Buy $INJ on Binance
  1. Stake from 5–10 $Inj for Staking
    1. Go to the staking section :
      1. notion image
    2. Select $INJ for staking
      1. notion image
    3. Select from a list of validators [Two protocols confirmed that they are giving rewards to stakers who choose them as validators] :
        • ProtocolTalis (Recommended): the $TALIS reward will be proportional to your staked amount.
          • notion image
        • BlackPanther_Fi: Score points by staking, which can later be converted into $BLACK
          • notion image
    4. Staking will give you voting power, so be sure to actively participate in voting proposals:
      1. notion image

Mission 2 : Talis Art — NFT Marketpalce

Talis is a new marketplace recently launched on Injective. They are also the same validator as Talis Protocol under Keplr. By interacting with their dApps, we increase our change to get Airdrop.
  1. Go to :
  1. Connect Wallet
  1. Go for Buy and Sell NFTs on Injective Marketplace
    1. notion image

Mission 3 : Black Panther Finance

The asset management protocol that helps you achieve superior returns. We covered the staking part. But if you’re looking for extra points and incentives — deposit your funds into their vaults.
  1. Go to :
  1. Deposit any $INJ amount in the vault
  1. Stake those vault tokens to earn extra points
    1. notion image

Mission 4 : Ninja Ambassador Program

notion image
  1. Go to :
  1. Connect Wallet
  1. Connect Twitter
  1. Connect Discord
  1. Go to Missions Tab
  1. Complete The Missions
    1. notion image
  1. Try to Improve your Rank and Get $INJ Tokens as Reward
    1. notion image
  1. Mint Badges
    1. notion image
  1. Now Join To Discord :
    1. notion image
  1. Be active to get level Up For Better Ranks And Rewards and Other Benefits !

Testnet Activities

Mission 5: Faucet

  1. Go to :
  1. Copy And Paste Your Injective Address from any wallet
  1. And Get Test Faucet
    1. notion image

Mission 6 : Neptune Finance

Neptune is a peer-to-peer lending protocol that delivers 2–3x better rates using a PID controller to influence the interest rate curve.
  1. Go to :
    1. notion image
  1. Lend some USDT and $INJ And USDC
    1. notion image
  1. Now Go to “Borrow Tab”
  1. DEPOSIT some of the balance you have
  1. Select the BORROW section opposite the $USDC / $USDT $INJ parities on the right side and repeat the same steps here.
  1. Select the + section next to the account and add Collateral to the active parities on the screen that opens.
    1. notion image
  1. You Can Check Your Rank And Point in “leaderboard Tab” For Neptune
    1. notion image
  1. Now Join To Neptune Discord :
  1. Go to #🧪-beta-feedback Channel And Sure Your Experience
    1. notion image

Mission 7 : Exotic Markets

Option and Derivatives infrastructure on injective and Solana. The $EXO token has been confirmed, and their testnet is live on Injective.
  1. Go to :
  1. Connect Wallet
  1. Select APY and deposit testnet $INJ
    1. notion image
      notion image
  1. Don’t forget to withdraw tokens in the future !
  1. Join To Exotic Discord :
  1. Go to the “#wallet-link” Channel and link your wallet address
  1. And Complete the feedback form:
    1. notion image

The End

Bonus Activities

Mission 8 : Download Xellar App

Xellar is a next generation wallet that is bound to also have an Airdrop. Early users will get priority access. Download on the App Store and Play Store!

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